Our team is ready!

We count with knowledgeable, experienced and accredited professionals to better serve our clients.

Brian D. Tamborelli

Attorney of Law

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Brian studied at the Southern New England School of Law and has since exercised law in his various work fronts. In decades of work, he has accumulated dozens of successful immigration cases, executed hundreds of closings and also participated in many divorces and wills. He is currently authorized to act in the states of Massachusetts and Connecticut.

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Erica Loinaz


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Erica worked as a lawyer in Brazil from 2013 to 2019. As a new resident in the USA, she brought with her the desire to continue fulfilling her social function by helping people who need administrative or legal support. Thus, within BDT LAW acts as Paralegal assisting attorney Brian.

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Otavio Pereira

Tech Support

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As a bachelor in engineering, Otavio has the knowledge to support BDT LAW in all technological aspects, from managing our processes pipeline to making sure all documents are safe. As a result, Brian and Erica are free to do what they do best.

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